2025 Nominations for Manager of the Year
Nominate outstanding managers for recognition for their hard work and dedication in managing self storage facilities. Acceptance of nominations begin in Septmber each year. Chec back for more information.
Fill in the Nomination Form Here and send the completed form to Darren Ing at Ding@selfstorage.org.
2023 SSAM Manager of the Year
Diana Cole, National Storage
The Self Storage Association of Michigan is pleased to award Diana Cole of National Storage with the 2024
SSAM Manager of the Year Award.
As the manager of Bryon Center, Diana has successfully kept the facilities AR under 3%, increased revenue of
9.6% and GPI increased to 20%. She exhibits excellent customer service to our clients on a daily basis. Her
dedication to her family during tough times while still maintaining a presence at the facility is unprecedented.
Diana is also a top tier trainer for National Storage and has taken continuing education courses to expand her
business knowledge
2023 SSAM Manager of the Year
Adam Thomas, Pogoda Companies

2022 SSAM Manager of the Year
Scott Haney
AmeriGuard Storage Centers